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Share the Truth—Set Someone Free!
Your gift today will help where it is needed most
AFCOE Discipleship Training Program
The Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism (AFCOE) provides kingdom-building discipleship training for Bible workers, lay people, and even pastors! You can equip people to effectively witness for Christ.

Amazing Facts | 50 Years of Evangelism
Looking back over the first 50 years
Amazing Facts | A Mission to the World
"The great commission is, GO ye into all the world and preach the gosp
Amazing Facts | Illuminating the Nations!
Let your light so shine around the world
Evangelism Ministry Program
Amazing Facts sends professional, compassionate evangelists and Bible workers throughout North America. Our well-trained team presents Christ-centered, educational Bible and prophecy seminars to thousands each year.

Bible School Ministry Program
Thousands who are searching for truth are grateful to discover the Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides. Available online and through correspondence, these life-saving lessons lead seekers to make a decision to follow Jesus.

China Evangelism

China is a beautiful but spiritually dark place where people are searching for lasting hope. Millions of lost souls in the Land of the Red Dragon desperately need to be led to the truth about Jesus and find hope for the future.

Target: $260,000
Funding: $97,342

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  • Need assistance? Please give us a call at  877-506-1751  or e-mail us at  Please note our office hours are Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 6:00pm Pacific Time. You can also  print this form  and mail your donation to:  

    Amazing Facts International
    PO Box 1058
    Roseville, CA 95678-9912


    Many friends include their evangelism values in their estate plans; will you consider making our work a part of your legacy?

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