Evangelism Ministry Program

Evangelism Ministry Program


The apostle Paul asked, How will people know the good news without a preacher? (See Romans 10:14.) Who today will send skilled evangelists out to warn the world?

Spirit-filled Amazing Facts evangelists play a key role in helping seekers understand the love of God and learn the basic teachings of the Bible so they can make a decision for Christ. Your gifts mobilize our evangelistic team to travel throughout the nation and conduct life-changing prophecy seminars. You also support our large-scale Bible events around the world, reach millions via live television and Internet broadcasts. Many of these events are turned into DVDs for wide-scale distribution and are replayed on television, reaching millions more lives in the name of Jesus. Thousands of baptisms take place each year because of your sacrificial support.

A live evangelist often makes the difference when someone is choosing to follow God’s truth. Will you be the link between searching souls and the preaching of God’s last-day message by giving a gift today?

Evangelism Ministry Funding:


Donation Amount (USD)

  • $25
  • $50
  • $100
  • Other$

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Memorial Gift Options

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Gift Selection

CD-The Deadly Double-Ditch Where Christians Fall by Pastor Doug
DVD-The Deadly Double-Ditch Where Christians Fall by Pastor Doug
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  • Need assistance? Please give us a call at  877-506-1751  or e-mail us at  Please note our office hours are Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 6:00pm Pacific Time. You can also  print this form  and mail your donation to:  

    Amazing Facts International
    PO Box 1058
    Roseville, CA 95678-9912


    Many friends include their evangelism values in their estate plans; will you consider making our work a part of your legacy?

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