AFCOE Africa - iSPONSOR an Evangelistic Crusade

AFCOE Africa - iSPONSOR an Evangelistic Crusade

AFCOE Africa Baptism

For far less than you might imagine, you can sponsor an entire four-week long, 29-topic Bible crusade conducted by AFCOE Africa students and staff! (You can also sponsor a portion of a prophecy series.) These meetings are only possible by loving gifts of support such as yours. Can you think of a better evangelistic investment in a nation full of souls who have yet to hear the full and everlasting gospel? Millions are waiting to hear about Jesus in the continent of Africa.AFCOE AFRICA Logo

Don’t miss this opportunity to reach hundreds of hungry souls with the gospel!

Donation Amount (USD)

  • $25
  • $50
  • $100
  • Other$

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  • Need assistance? Please give us a call at  877-506-1751  or e-mail us at  Please note our office hours are Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 6:00pm Pacific Time. You can also  print this form  and mail your donation to:  

    Amazing Facts International
    PO Box 1058
    Roseville, CA 95678-9912


    Many friends include their evangelism values in their estate plans; will you consider making our work a part of your legacy?

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