Chris was a tattoo artist and a drug dealer. He went through several broken relationships. Then he discovered Amazing Facts on the Internet.
Amazing Facts publishes millions of pages and thousands of hours of Bible-centered resources for sharing and for personal spiritual growth. Help spread God’s truth like the leaves of autumn across the land. |
Amazing Facts’ mission is to prepare people for Christ’s soon return by lifting up Jesus Christ as we broadcast God’s message for these last days on the radio. Your gift reaches millions through the airwaves with truth for our times. |
You can train hundreds of evangelists and Bible workers who will reach thousands for Christ in Africa through evangelistic meetings and personal Bible studies.
Target: $329,200Funding: $177,874
Raul grew up as a pastor’s kid, but he ended up using and dealing drugs. But by God’s grace, his life was turned around and his faith was regenerated through your generous gifts. Watch his gripping story of escaping sin and finding Bible truth!
When the pandemic exploded, Angela remembered her faith. On a lonely afternoon, when she was finally ready to listen, God led her to Amazing Facts.
Jennifer felt trapped in her destructive lifestyle, leaving her empty and in pain. But through the prayers of her mother and videos from Amazing Facts—programs you helped to create and provide free of charge—she found Christ. And she has never been the same since. Thanks so much for changing Jennifer’s life!
Lindsey faced the biggest storm of her life after making a commitment to Christ and being baptized. Her little 19-month-old daughter was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer.