

By Title
Displaying items41-48of103
China Evangelism

China is a beautiful but spiritually dark place where people are searching for lasting hope. Millions of lost souls in the Land of the Red Dragon desperately need to be led to the truth about Jesus and find hope for the future.

Target: $260,000
Funding: $180,017

Coming Full Circle - Dee
Raised in a broken home, Dee grew up unchurched and was only superficially acquainted with the Bible. But when his father began a search for spiritual truth and meaning, Dee was introduced to something amazing, something that opened his eyes to God’s Word. Find out what happened and how he became a powerful witness for Jesus!
Evangelism Ministry Program
Amazing Facts sends professional, compassionate evangelists and Bible workers throughout North America. Our well-trained team presents Christ-centered, educational Bible and prophecy seminars to thousands each year.

Expand Television Ministry Impact
One of the most powerful ways you can reach the globe for Jesus Christ is by supporting Amazing Facts’ television ministry, which broadcasts the gospel to 2.7 billion potential viewers!

Finding a Sense of Belonging
Sandi grew up in a home filled with instability. Her mother worked long hours, leaving Sandi at home with an abusive and alcoholic stepfather. She never felt like she belonged.
Finding Lasting Peace
Sharon struggled with depression and feelings of rejection until—thanks to supporters like you—she discovered Amazing Facts on TV. After watching the programs and completing our Bible Study Guides, she found everlasting peace in Christ. Thank you for changing Sharon’s life!
Finding True Riches
When Elijah’s girlfriend got pregnant, his life of pursuing worldly wealth took a dramatic turn. God used your generous gifts to help Elijah recommit to the faith of his youth and to become a full-time soul-winner.
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