Brad’s life was falling to pieces all around him. No job. Lots of bills. More pressure. Failure. Despair. Then God intervened and gave him hope!
Bill’s life looked great from the outside. His early success in industrial sales propelled him up the ladder into management and a future filled with achievement. His wide circle of friends and business colleagues saw him obviously enjoying the lifestyle of someone who made good money.
“When I grew up, I was always told that I was the ugliest,” Lourdes remembers. “I believed I was good for nothing.” Tragically, she regularly suffered abuse from family members.
But God led Lourdes to discover her true value in Jesus.
A major truck accident caused Diana to leap from a 25-foot-high bridge and suffer multiple injuries. But God spared her life and brought her physical healing. Then a co-worker introduced her to Amazing Facts. Find out what happened next...
A disabled woman overseas found hope and new life through Amazing Facts resources you made possible.
It was Kowan’s own father that introduced him to drugs and alcohol. It’s no surprise that his young life was wasting away in a downward spiral. But Jesus knocked loudly on the door of Kowan’s heart—and used your sacrificial giving to lead him to a life filled with eternal purpose.
When Jack watched Amazing Facts on TV, he thought, “Wow—that made sense.”
Brian’s distorted view of God soured him against religion and sent him sliding down the slippery path of addiction but you helped him find Christ!