Hello, friends! 2019 has been a miraculous year at Amazing Facts. Together, we’ve stepped out in faith, preaching the everlasting gospel to tens of thousands around the globe and winning countless souls for the kingdom of God.
Charles landed in prison, but that’s where he found freedom in Christ.
We’ve been given a commission by Jesus and, in these last days, have a specific work to boldly proclaim the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14.
Thousands who are searching for truth are grateful to discover the Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides. Available online and through correspondence, these life-saving lessons lead seekers to make a decision to follow Jesus. |
You can help bring hope to desperate hearts when you support the literature evangelism work of Amazing Facts, transforming lives through the mass distribution of Christian resources.
Growing up, Nancy heard only about God’s “eternal hellfire” that would be experienced by unrepentant sinners. As an adult, she rebelled against the church of her childhood and turned to a worldly lifestyle in her search for happiness. But she only experienced brokenness and pain.
More than two million men and women are locked away in prison in the United States today. You can help bring lifesaving Bible truth to these isolated souls through Amazing Facts’ prison ministry. Your heartfelt gifts will supply lonely prisoners with free literature, personal responses to letters, and Bible lessons—helping them find true freedom, love, and eternal life in Christ. |