

By Title
Displaying items65-72of103
God Uses Amazing Facts App to Bring Healing and Baptism
I was hooked and couldn’t get enough!
Healing a Hurting Soul
Julia hurt deeply. She had suffered repeated abuse in her childhood; as an adult, after her marriage collapsed, she longed for peace and freedom.
Hogwash or Truth?
Bill was agnostic. He was raised in a Christian family, but he drifted from church as a teen. After Bill’s wife gave him an Amazing Facts booklet on creation and evolution, it led him to study and discover more of God’s saving truth.
Hope for a Homeless Addict - Daryl
Daryl's life was a mess. Drugs, alcohol, shattered relationships, and jail time left him feeling hopeless. But attending an Amazing Facts seminar set his feet on the road to recovery.
I Want to Follow the Bible! - Casey
Casey was enjoying a life saturated by worldly pleasures and had zero interest in knowing God or the Bible. But during the trauma of a failing relationship her interest was sparked in spiritual things, and soon she was captivated by a new television program that offered hope and new life in Jesus. This story will inspire you with God’s amazing grace!
Iced to Kill—Melted for Christ!
Michael’s life was falling to pieces. When he discovered his wife was having an affair, he wanted to end the man’s life.
India Evangelism

India is projected to be the world’s most populous nation soon, surpassing even China! We have an amazing opportunity to answer God’s call by proclaiming His last-day message to multiplied millions in India who have never heard Bible truth.

Target: $440,918
Funding: $170,547

International Ministry Program
Amazing Facts’ international outreach is bringing the full and everlasting gospel to people in more than 200 countries. Your gifts also translate our most effective resources into key languages.

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    PO Box 1058
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